Our approach to organisational analysis has a particular focus on assessing interinstitutional and stakeholder relations, policy development, organisational management, financial management, work processes and procedures, structures and support systems, human resources skills and capacities. Analyses are followed up by organisational development plans tailored to clients’ needs and expectations to the future improvements in efficiency and effectiveness in and around the organisation.

Our philosophy is that it is the people in and around the organisation that hold the main ideas and answers to any required change and development needs. Therefore, we facilitate a coaching and dialogue based approach in which organisational strengths, challenges and opportunities are identified and agreed upon by those involved and responsible for the functionality, management and leadership of the organization. Our experiences show that ownership of a any required organizational development process is best established if people in and around the organization understands, comprehend and own the proposed initiatives for change.

We facilitate the structuring and design of required organisational development plans and ensures that the organization and its staff takes ownership of proposed activities and expected changes. Based on an agreed organisational development plan we facilitate change management processes through the eye of both leaders and staff. We manage the change process utilising leaders and staffs’ aspirations, motivation and expectations to the future. We manage the process at a pace where leaders and decision makers have full control and ownership of the change management process and at the same time we guide and direct the process towards tangible and operational goals and changes.

In change management processes we work for people and their organisations with a particular focus on facilitating management decisions for processes of change, building consenesus and establishing ownership with the aim to enhance organisational efficiency and effectiveness.

Examples of particular assignments:

  • Organisational capacity assessment of the International Department at the Danish Institue for Human Rights
  • Organisational capacity assessments in development programmes funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other donor agencies in Africa, Asia and Latin America

  • Development of new government and management structures for DACAAR
  • Planning and organization of job functions and project teams in the Danish Energy Agency

  • Facilitation of change management process in the Ministry of Finance in Tanzania

  • Assessment of the Operational Performance System at IBIS

  • Review and development of the Quality Assurance system for the Danish Trade Union 3F International Department

  • Facilitating organizational development and coaching of project teams in the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate.

  • Coaching of change management Task Force working to improve operational procedures between European CARE members and CARE Country Offices.

See IMPAKT’s references here

Please contact Jørgen Skytte Jensen Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. for more information.


IMPAKT believes that the approach to any change management plan or strategy is to be based on the composition of skills, knowledge, culture and behaviours of the people in and around the organization. To facilitate a full understanding and acknowledgement of especially people behaviours and preferences we apply a number of tools including personality test tools such as MPA, ACE, EASY, MBTI/JTI and BtB. We have certified consultants and users of these test tools. Individual test results are used to visualise and create a common understanding of individual and personal preferences for, for example, communication in teams, roles and work tasks, and methods for team work. It is the experience of IMPAKT that the visualisation of individual preferences and behaviours creates greater acceptance of personal differences and preferences among people including leaders which results in less resistance and anxiety and thereby facilitates a better change process.

Change management plans are designed based on people’s own identified strengths, challenges and opportunities. IMPAKT aims at creating full ownership of any required process of change. Ownership is best established if people in and around the organisation fully comprehend, appreciate and take ownership of any proposed activities and expected changes.

We provide coaching to leaders and managers in management of knowledge workers. How do you manage staff who technically know more than yourself? Knowledge workers are often left to define and design their own work, which for many result in stress and uncertainty in regard to defining e.g.: what is a good enough result and outcome of my work? - how do I manage my work-life balance? - how do I structure my work? We support leaders and managers in identify individual staff motivation factors, work structures and processes, communication and staff management approaches.

We offer individual coaching and mentoring of staff in career planning and development, team building and facilitation of Team Days or meetings. 

IMPAKT provides training and introductory courses in human resources and change management processes, tools and methods including the use of individual personality tests and analyses.

We deliver outplacement services based on individual needs and preferences. See our standard programme here


Examples of assignments:

  • Outplacement services for the Danish Energy Agency
  • Coaching of staff at 3F - Danish Trade Union International Department
  • Facilitation of Team Building and Team Days in the Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
  • Conducting personality test using MPA (recruitment) and JTI/MBTI (career planning) in the Ministry of Energy Utilities and Climate. NGOs and Danida Fellowship Center
  • Facilitation of planning meetings for European representatives of CARE International
  • Mentoring for members of the Association of Danish Lawyers and Economists
  • Mentoring of members of Professional Women’s Network Copenhagen
  • Facilitation of Workshops during reviews of international aid and development programmes
  • Training in recruitment planning and procedures, interview techniques and individual feed back
  • Recruitment and/or management of recruitment processes

See IMPAKT’s references here

Please contact Jørgen Skytte Jensen Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. or Jette Barslund Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. for more information.

IMPAKT is delivering consulting services in thematic assessments, appraisals and reviews of international aid and development programmes in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Areas of specialization include assessments and analyses of programme design, implementation strategies, policies and results-based frameworks. Programmes are assessed based on the coherence of their Logical Framework Approach supporting Results-Based Framework and narrative Theory of Change describing the pathways and interlinkages between engagements and proposed interventions.

We use an appreciative and dialogue based approach in our assessments. We take point of departure in partners and stakeholders implemented results and outcomes. We consider this first acknowledgement of actual results and outcomes of the partnership to be critical in order to establish mutual trust and acceptance of the need to also discussing more critical and potentially less positive outcomes with partners and stakeholders. Our experiences show that by approaching partners from an appreciation angle it becomes easier to enter into more sensitive areas where challenges and constraints potentially hampers efficiency and effectiveness of activities. 


By engaging with partners based on acknowledgement and constructive dialogue on challenges and weaknesses partners become more disposed to identifying own solutions and ways forward. In other words we don’t operate with blue-print frameworks for how organizations or programmes achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness. We have strong believes in adaptive approaches utilizing external opportunities with internal capacities and opportunities.

IMPAKT is specialized in performing assessments of staff and leadership capacities, organisational management capacity including interlinkages between human and financial resources, supporting structures, operational systems and strategies. Further, IMPAKT has particular experiences assessing advocacy and communication approaches and capabilities, as well as programmes’ applying human rights based approaches and principles of participation, accountability, non-discrimination and transparency.

In all assessments and reviews OECD/DAC evaluation criteria of programmes’ relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact are applied.

IMPAKT have particular experiences in environment, climate, energy, education, health, and labour market sectors.

Examples of assignments:

  • Review of the Danish Institute for Human Rights
  • Evaluation of the Democratic Governance Facility in Uganda;

  • Review of the Low Carbon Transmission Unit at the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate;

  • Thematic Reviews of Danish NGOs: Danmission, Sustainable Energy, DIGNITY (Danish Center of Victims of Torture), Danish Refugee Council, Plan Denmark, Trade Union 3F and others;

  • Appraisal of MFA Sector Support Programmes: Mozambique Climate Change and Environment; Programme, Uganda Water Sector Programme, Bolivia support to Productive Sectors Programme, Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) in Washington/USA;

  • Review cum appraisal of Sector Budget Support Programme to the Ministry of Finance in Tanzania.

See IMPAKT’s references here

Please contact Jørgen Skytte Jensen Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. for more information.


IMPAKT facilitates that people in and around and organisation identifies their own success indicators for their development programme or process of change. To manage a results-framework and its theory of change people involved or affected needs to take full ownership of the expected deliverables and desired effects and changes. Programme indicators can support management teams and people responsible for a process of change and development to ensure a more transparent dialogue on what the development process will lead to and what is considered a successful outcome or result of the process. We facilitate that indicators become a management tool for an open dialogue and learning while at the same time establishing common ownership of expected changes.

To support the monitoring of development engagements or change processes IMPAKT develops gender sensitive monitoring tools with a particular focus on social, environmental and economic accountability. 

Accountability is consider imperative for any development intervention and IMPKAT has extensive experiences in developing operational systems tailored to the capacity of the human and financial capacity available within a given organisation.

Accountability is important, but equally important is the opportunity to transform validated baselines, collected data and information into new knowledge. IMPAKT facilitates processes of learning in which people responsible for M&E and decision making optimise the use of new information and knowledge. We believe that the most successful development processes are those where proper analysis and reflection are made on evidence based data, information and new knowledge, and where new knowledge is utilised to make changes to plans and strategies. We strengthen M&E with the purpose to enhance organisational efficiency and programmatic effectiveness leading to more sustainable outcomes and impact.

Examples of particular assignments:

  • Development of results-framework for the new Export of Danish Energy Model initiative at the Danish Energy Agency
  • Evaluation of Democratic Governance Facility in Uganda (multi donor)

  • Reviews of M&E framework in international aid and development programmes in Africa, Asia and Latin America (bilateral donors and International NGOs)

  • Review and recommendations for development of the Operational Performance System at IBIS

  • Development of results-based Framework for international programmes in the Ministry of energy, Utilities and Climate

  • Review of Quality Assurance System at the Danish Trade Union 3F’s International Department

  • Training in or reviews of Logical Framework Approaches, Results-based Frameworks and supporting narratives of the Theory of Change.

See IMPAKT’s references here

Please contact Jørgen Skytte Jensen Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. for more information.


For further information please contact Mrs. Andrea Mestrov Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.