IMPAKT has an extended network of associated consultants and industry associations, academic institutions, professional networks and NGOs around the world.

Managing Director Jørgen Skytte Jensen

Mr. Jensen holds a M.Sc. in International Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School and a B.Sc. in Engineering from Copenhagen Engineering College. He is a certified user of personality test tools for career development (JTI (MBTI) and EASY) and for recruitment (OPTO, MPA and ACE).

Mr. Jensen is an experienced team leader and technical adviser for program formulation and design, appraisal and reviews. His main working experience is from public sector institutions and INGOs in the Governance, Environment, Climate, Energy, Labour Market and Education sectors.

He has more than 20 years of international work experience performing institutional and organisational capacity assessments, including a focus on inter-institutional relations, policy development, partnership strategy formation, leadership, organisational management, financial management, work processes, structures and systems, and human resources development. Furthermore, he has extensive experience in the preparation and implementation of organisational development and change management plans.


He holds strong process, leadership and communication skills and is experienced in building consensus and facilitating management decisions for processes of change, improved organisational efficiency and effectiveness.

Mr. Jensen provides individual mentoring for career development and team coaching for organisational change management processes.

Mr. Jensen has worked in more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Pacific and Latin America. He speaks English and Spanish fluently.

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Tel: +45 30120482

Senior Consultant Mrs. Andrea Mestrov

25 years of international development experience, including in fragile and conflict-affected settings, as a socio-economist, gender-responsive research, monitoring, evaluation & learning specialist, innovative financing & organisational management expert, capacity development team leader, board member, chair, mentor and volunteer.    Highly-developed functional and analytical skills in baseline surveys, reviews, evaluations, feasibility and capacity assessments, gender mainstreaming & analysis, results-based management, strategic information, strategy planning & theory of change, logframe programme design, project, grant & financial management, quality assurance, proposal & report writing, aid effectiveness and human rights-based approaches to development.

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Sector expertise includes social accountability & advocacy in education, sustainable development and climate resilience, gender equality (women´s economic empowerment, SGBV, social protection, workplace diversity and inclusion), HIV and health, nutrition and food security, innovative financing and humanitarian relief. Extensive multiple stakeholder engagement with socially responsible SMEs and impact investors, UN & multilateral development banks, bilateral donors (Australian DFAT, DANIDA,  USAID, Norwegian MFA), partner governments, research institutes, international NGOs (OxfamIBIS, CARE Aust, IRC), grassroots CBOs, & professional associations,. Early-career corporate financial analysis and management accounting experience. Volunteer fundraiser for nature conservation and recovery.

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Tel: +45 51772482

Senior Consultant Mrs. Jette Barslund

Mrs. Barslund has more than 25 years of professional experience in the field of human resources (HR) internationally and in Denmark. In the past 10 years she has specialised in the use and implementation of occupational psychological testing tools, developing and conducting training of employers and employees in both the public and private sector. Throughout her career, Mrs. Barslund has focused on training and education. She has developed and conducted training for employers within areas such as, but not limited to: organisational change management, management development, communication and cooperation in teams, conflict resolution, career development, staff development, training needs analysis, and team building. Mrs. Barslund has extensive experience with lifelong learning and capacity building as an integrated part of vocational training

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Mrs. Barslund is also highly experienced in the training of trainers, selection and recruitment of staff/trainees, course planning, course implementation, Quality assurance of course planning/design/material, course management and facilitation, planning of study visits and workshops, coaching of trainees, course evaluation and monitoring. She has worked on site with all phases of the project cycle, from project preparation to implementation and evaluation. Mrs. Barslund has a wide international experience from Europe and several Sub-Saharan African countries.

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Tel: +45 24956656

Associated Consultant Maite Jurado

Maite Jurado holds an MSc. in Agricultural Development from the University of Copenhagen and a Degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Technical University of Madrid.

Her field of specialisation lay within rural development topics and sustainable agriculture, with an interdisciplinary profile.

Maite is associated consultant to IMPAKT and has most recent participated in a Review and Capacity Assessment of ADRA Denmark funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danida). She was responsible for the preparation of two particular case studies (Malawi and Sudan) and participated in the verification of results documentation.

Maite also works for the NGO EAA with project development and monitoring of projects in Bolivia.

She has research experience in Ecuador, Nicaragua and Kenya, in the field of rural livelihoods, agriculture and natural resource governance. 

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Tel: +45 91469681